About Me

I've never felt quite as at home as I do here in LA, and that is a big deal because I am far from being a city girl.  Just to prove it to you, my feelings about New York City (which was always "the city" growing up) can be summed up by me telling you my favorite place in the Big Apple.  It's not an uncommon thing to say, but Central Park is my favorite, and that is because when you are in the middle of it, you forget that you are in New York City.  The rest of it just wasn't for me, save a broadway play here and there (like instead of my senior prom).

My true dream is to travel the world learning the different cultures that make us all so diverse.  With a statement like that, it's probably not hard to believe I was an Anthropology major.  Along with that though, I was also a Media & Communications major, which is what brought me to LA.  Well that, and a strong desire not to move to Texas where my parents moved for my dad's new job.

It took a big leap of faith and a whole lot of "what else would I do?", but between asking the only person I knew in LA what it was like living out there and her only response being "well I need a roommate next month if you want to find out for yourself" I knew what I had to do.  I cried a few nervous tears and embarked on the longest, and hopefully only, road trip of my life.  Hey, I'm an East Coaster, we like to move fast, and five days of travel just ain't my style.

But now that I'm here, I've never felt more at home.  I have the beach, hiking, great people, and plenty of restaurants to explore.

I can't tell you how many times at work we talk about where someone ate last night, and I have to take mental notes on all the fancy places my future movie star husband will have to take me.

As an assistant by day, I dream of the day that I can be behind the camera getting the perfect shot of a Tibetan wedding or Shaman's rituals.  I will one day be a documentarian and hopefully with that will come some great recipes to bring all the places home with me.  But for now, I'll keep the world cooking with some great recipes I find as well as some of my own personal recipes founded on a recent grad's budget and time restrictions.

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